報 告 聲 明
Report Statement
1. 本報告未加蓋“四川省中安檢測有限公司檢驗檢測專用章”無效。
The report is invalid without the dedicated inspection and testing stamp of Sichuan Safety Testing Center Co., Ltd.
2. 本報告無編制、審核、授權簽字人簽字無效。
The report is invalid without the signature of its editor, auditor and the authorized signatory.
3. 本報告涂改或字跡模糊無效。
The report is invalid if being altered or illegible.
4. 復印報告未重新加蓋本公司檢驗檢測專用章和騎縫章無效。
The reproduced report is invalid without the cover or cross-page seal of the dedicated inspection and testing stamp.
5. 對報告有異議,應在《中華人民共和國食品安全法》《中華人民共和國農產品質量安全法》以及《中華人民共和國產品質量法》等法律法規規定的異議期內提出,逾期將不予受理。
Any objections to the report should be raised to the company within the objection period stipulated by laws and regulations. The submission later than the deadline will be unacceptable.
6. 不可重復性或不能進行復測的實驗,如微生物和現場監測,不進行復測,委托方須放棄異議權利。
Experiments that are not repeatable or can not be retested, such as Microbiology Test and In-situ Monitoring, will not repeat. The client should give up the right of dissent.
7. 檢驗檢測報告對樣品所檢項目的符合性情況負責,送檢樣品的代表性和真實性、委托方提供判定依據的真實性和有效性由委托方負責。
The test report is only responsible for compliance of the test items of the sample. The client should bear the associated responsibility arising therefrom for the representativeness and authenticity of samples and the authenticity and validity of the judgment provided by the client.
8. 報告結果僅反映對所測樣品的評價。
The test report only reflects the appraisal of the entrusted samples.
9. “—”表示委托方未提供相關信息或產品未標示。
“—” refers to no related information was received or marked on the product.
10. 實驗室對報告中的所有信息負責,委托方提供的信息除外。
The laboratory will be responsible for all the information provided in the report, except when the information is provided by the client.
地 址:四川省成都市成龍大道1666號經開科技孵化園B1棟1號樓、B2棟1號樓
Address: Building B1-1 and B2-1, National Economic and Technological Development Zone, No.1666, Chenglong Avenue, Chengdu, China
電話Tel: +86-028-68351808 +86-028-68351819
Sichuan Safety Testing Center Co .,LTD. 四川省中安檢測有限公司 版權所有 蜀ICP備15017687號